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【Sleep Disorders】Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes, Cures & Treatment.

insomnia coffee/sleeplessness

Insomnia_Symptoms, Causes & Cures (1)
Fsticker offers you with symptoms, causes & cures of insomnia. Apply these treatments if you are suffering for sleep disorders.

Click links below to read what you want:
Symptoms of Insomnia
Causes & Cures
Must-Quit Bad Habits

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Symptoms of Insomnia
● Having difficulty in falling asleep at night

● Awakening several times during the night

● Awakening too early in the morning and not being able sleep anymore

● Daytime tiredness

● Irritability, depression or anxiety

● Having difficulty in paying attention or remembering

● Tension headaches

● Distress in the stomach and intestines

● Ongoing worries about sleep

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Causes & Cures
Causes Cures
Sickness Proper diet & other cures are useful.
However, you still need doctor’s help.
Which doctor to see for insomnia?
Difficultly in sleeping on other beds Bring your own blanket or pillow.
The familiar smell will make you sleepy.
Side effects of medicine Proper diet & other cures are useful.
However, you still need doctor’s help.
Foods with too much caffeine/wine Avoid eating them.
Foods cause insomnia
Stress from work/life Proper diet & other cures may help.
Jetlag Proper diet & other cures may help.
Unknown reason Consult doctor.
Which doctor to see for insomnia?
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Eat them Effects
Tryptophan Nuts
Warm milk
high fiber cracker
Tryptophan eases nervous system & helps you relax.
Carbohydrate Cereal
Dairy products + Carbohydrate = higher Tryptophan
High fiber fruits Guava
When hunger causes insomnia,
you must eat high fiber fruits
cause they won’t raise blood sugar levels quickly.

16 Foods To Avoid Insomnia.

Avoid them Effects
Caffeine Coffee
Carbonated beverage
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant
which will make you awake.
Spicy food chili
They may cause uncomfortableness in the stomach and intestines.
Wine Wine Wine will awake you several times during sleep.

16 Foods To Avoid Insomnia.

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More Cures for Insomnia
Insomnia_Symptoms, Causes & Cures (3)
Music ➨ World’s most relaxing music to get rid of insomnia.

Insomnia_Symptoms, Causes & Cures (4)
Warmth ➨ You won’t sleep well when feeling cold so wear socks.

Insomnia_Symptoms, Causes & Cures (5)
Progressive muscle relaxation ➨ How To Beat Insomnia by Muscle Relaxation?
It’s popular therapy in USA. When you apply it, you will feel much more relaxed.

Insomnia_Symptoms, Causes & Cures (6)
Regular routine ➨ Wake up (even if you slept badly last night ) and go to sleep regularly.

Insomnia_Symptoms, Causes & Cures (7)
Massage ➨ 10 Acupoints To Relieve Insomnia.
Having a massage on your acupoints may help you relax so that you can fall asleep easily.

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Must-Quit Bad Habits
3 things are allowed to do on bed: sleep, sex & being sick.
To avoid insomnia, other things are forbade:

● Using mobile or watching TV: The blue light of mobile/laptop have a bad influence on sleep. Moreover, light will make you awake so you must stop using these products during bedtime.

● Hot shower before bedtime: When the temperature of your body is high, you’re not able to fall asleep quickly. Therefore, never take a hot shower before you sleep.

● Exercise: It’s hard to sleep when body temperature is raised and your heart beats quickly.

● Awakening on bed: You must leave the bed if you can’t sleep right now. Try to listen to the music in a dark room till you’re sleepy.

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