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【Teach you to use IFTTT APP】Create powerful connections for APPs and Internet services!

Want to update your data from one social network to another? Want to backup all photos tagged with your name? Want to save all images from all platforms? It’s quite slow to complete these things all by yourself. Let me introduce you with an awesome APP. IFTTT offers cross-platform service which allows you to update data or backup files among many platforms. Just choose services you want to create connections of all APPs! For exmaple, when I post status with photos on Facebook, these images will be stored to my Dropbox.

Attention: Chinese version of IFTTT hasn’t been released so far.

Points: If you do A, and then IFTTT finish B for you!
Recipe 1: If I post a photo on Facebook, then IFTTT will backup it to Dropbox (Cloud Drive).
Recipe 2: If I post a photo on Instagram, then IFTTT will backup it to Dropbox.
Recipe 3: If I post an article on a blog, then IFTTT will upload it to Gmail.

Now I take IFTTT as a tool to backup photos. When I post photos on Facebook and Instagram or take a photo with LINE CAMERA, I don’t have to download all images to my computer one by one. I just need to visit Dropbox and copy all files to computer!

There are hundreds of Recipes that you can create by yourself. Read instruction below right now!

仙人掌頭像-KiKiNoteRecipes of IFTTT

Functions that are often used
▼ Here are some examples. If you do A, then IFTTT produce B.
Each platform will connect to Cloud at the same time if you use IFTTT. You can create different connections by Recipe to put the internet and mobile to work for you.
IFTTT00-if a then b

▼ Hundreds of platforms are available on IFTTT. For example, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, Feedly, Blogger, Google and YouTube and so on. You can personalize your Recipes and backup data at the same time.
IFTT0-hundreds of channels are available. for example, youtube, dropbox, feedly, blogger, facebook, instagram.......

仙人掌頭像-KiKiNoteInstall IFTTT

IOS: Install IFTTT on APP Store.
Androis: Install IFTTT on Google Play.
Computer (Don’t need to install APP): Join IFTTT.


▼ First, you have to create an account. After that, slide mobile screen to the left or click on button on the right top to Settings.

Create your own Recipes.
▼ You can manage Recipes by yourself or apply Recipes created by others. If you do A, then IFTTT will complete B for you.

▼ Choose functions of APPs. Attention: some of the functions need you to log in to your FB.

▼ Click Finish to run your Recipes.

How to apply Recipes of others?
▼ Click the image of glass. Next, select one of the collections.

▼ Click on Recipes that you want. You can apply it after re-editing or use it right now.

Personal Recipes can be turned on/off.
▼ You can turn on/off Recipes. If you want to edit one of it, just make double click on Recipe.

仙人掌頭像-KiKiNoteInstall IFTTT

IOS: Install IFTTT on APP Store.
Androis: Install IFTTT on Google Play.
Computer (Don’t need to install APP): Join IFTTT.