Correct way in washing jeans will keep you from destroying your favorite jeans. Fsticker will show you if you should wash and clean jeans with vinegar, salt, bleach or detergent.
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● Frequency of Washing Jeans
● Experts Teach You to Wash Jeans
● Avoid Fading Jeans
● More Tips for Washing Jeans

Frequency of Washing Jeans
LEVI’S CEO said “Washing jeans once a year is okay.”
J Brand’s head of design said “Wash jeans after you wore it 4 to 5 times.”
All in all, to avoid ruining jeans, you must decrease the times of washing jeans.
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Experts Teach You to Wash Jeans
Levi Strauss’s head of design, Jonathan Cheung’s suggest “Wash only when it’s necessary.”
1 No Spot ➨ Hang jeans outside for a few hours. Sun and air will freshen them up.
2 Spots ➨ Wipe with a napkin to remove most of the stain. Put a clean cloth under the stain and dab it from inside with a little soapy, warm water.
3 Dirty Jeans ➨ Soak them in a bath tub with cool/warm water and a little bit of liquid soap for a few hours. Hang them out to dry.
4 Machine Washing ➨ If you must wash your jeans in the machine, remember to zip jeans up. And then turn them inside-out for a cold wash.
5 Line Dry ➨ Don’t put jeans in clothes dryer unless you want jeans to shrink. Just dry them in the sun.
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Avoid Fading Jeans
Here’s suggestion from J Brand’s head of design: “Best way to wash jeans is washing them with water.”
Some detergent can lead to fading of jeans. Btw, never wash them with hot water because that will make jeans fade.
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More Tips for Washing Jeans
What’s the correct washing machine settings? When to Use the Dryer? Can I wash With vinegar & salt? For more details, read:
Must-Read Advice for washing jeans.
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