【Add Singaporean friends】Free stickers of LINE Characters. Invite friends on LINE to be members of Singaporean schools.

Overseas stickers are released now!
Here are overseas stickers for free. However, if you want to view these stickers, you have to register as a member of Singaporean school and invite 10 friends on LINE to be members of the school.

Continue reading “【Add Singaporean friends】Free stickers of LINE Characters. Invite friends on LINE to be members of Singaporean schools.”

【2014/08/05】Free LINE stickers of LINE Characters JOM & McD; FPG Festival; 86Shop x 2bau (Adorable Girls).

LINE stickers are free here! If you love free LINE stickers around the world, try OpenVPN to view LINE stickers for free of other regions. Before you view free LINE stickers around the world, please read the article: Rules for viewing overseas LINE stickers

Continue reading “【2014/08/05】Free LINE stickers of LINE Characters JOM & McD; FPG Festival; 86Shop x 2bau (Adorable Girls).”